Best Book I Read in 2018: Book Review for One to One Bible Reading

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I like sharing the best books that I have read as a recommendation to everyone looking for their next book to read. Since 2019 is not over yet, and I am still reading lots of books this year, I decided I would share the best book that I read in 2018. The best book was One to One Bible Reading by David R. Helm.

Study Bible for Women, One to One Bible Reading, books

One to One Bible Reading is a great tool for teaching believers how to disciple others by reading the Bible together one on one. The Bible tells us that we should share our faith and disciple others; however, it can be frustrating to know where to begin.

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” – Matthew 28:19-20

David R. Helm writes that one of the easiest or at least simplest ways to do this is to ask someone to read through the Bible with you verse-by-verse. Helm writes the steps of how to begin reading the Bible with someone, with one of the most important steps being prayer. Evangelism and discipleship should be fueled by our prayers because God is the one who changes things in people’s hearts and minds, not us.

Helm’s book comes with a guide for reading different biblical genres, such as poetry, law, history, prophets, etc. He also gives an example of how to start reading in Mark’s Gospel. This book is a short but valuable guide for believers who want to fulfill their calling to evangelize and disciple others through reading the Bible.

Helm’s book was the best book I read in 2018, and I give it five out of five stars.

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Have you ever read One to One Bible Reading? Have you ever tried reading the Bible with someone else? What did you learn from doing so? What was the best book that you read in 2018?

signature: love, sarah

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