Spring Gardening Resources

If you have ever dreamed of growing a garden, it can be a daunting task. However, there are many resources that can help you plan and grow and a garden, whether it is a container garden or a whole field of fruit, vegetables, flowers, and more. Today, I plan to share a plethora of good Spring gardening resources that can help you in growing your gardening skills.



Books and Magazines

Starting Seeds Indoors

seedlings, egg cartons, what I planted

Where to Find Free Seeds

Join in on the conversation!

I always love hearing from my readers, so feel free to comment on this post. Or start a conversation on X.com/sarahderinger88.

  • Are you struggling with knowing where and how to start gardening?
  • Do you find yourself wishing you could grow things all year round rather than being stunted by the growing season?
  • What are some other resources that you would recommend for learning about gardening year-round?
  • What are some other resources that you would recommend for beginning gardening or spring gardening?
  • Where else do you know of that you can get free seeds?
signature: love, sarah

My 2024 Garden Plans

Decorative, Sarah's Garden, My 2024 Garden Plans

“Watching something grow is good for morale. It helps us believe in life.”

Myron Kaufmann

My 2024 Garden Plans

I enjoy gardening to see what I can grow and harvest, and this year, I have plans to grow these plants:

  • Tomatoes
  • Onions
  • Watermelon
  • Perennial Wildflowers
  • Rudbeckia
  • Zinnia
  • Coreopsis
  • Sunflower
  • Lavender
  • Cilantro
  • Spaghetti Squash
  • Yellow Squash
  • Zucchini
  • Pumpkin
  • Sweet Corn
  • Cucumber
  • Carrot
  • Green bean
  • Thyme
  • Strawberries
  • and some more flowers

“An addiction to gardening is not all bad when you consider all the other choices in life.”

Cora Lea Bell

Starting Tomato Seeds Indoors

I have just this week started my tomato seeds. I use the Jiffy Seed Starting Greenhouses, and what I did was order more planting pellets which allows me to use the same greenhouse boxes rather than continually buying new ones. To use these, add warm water to the pellets which allows them to rise. Then you add in three-four seeds in each pellet of whichever type of tomato or pepper you are trying to plant. Then close the dirt over the seeds. Then place the lids on top of the boxes, and if you think your seeds need more light, use a grow light to help them grow. In a few weeks, you will be able to take the lids off when all the seeds have started and you see spouts.

“God Almighty first planted a garden. And indeed, it is the purest of human pleasures.”

Francis Bacon

Start a Garden

If you want to start a garden this year, here are some tips and resources to get started:

“There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments.”

Janet Kilburn Phillips

You do not have to be perfect at gardening, and it is quite a bit like experimenting. I have not yet harvested a crop of good sweet corn, and I am still experimenting with different ways of growing corn. If you keep a garden journal, you can start seeing patterns in gardening issues, and then you can try new ideas of how to make your garden grow better. You can try a new gardening container or try moving the garden to a place with more sun or more shade. You can try flower boxes or an open field. The possibilities with gardening are endless.

Join in on the Conversation

I always love hearing from my readers. Feel free to comment below, or join the conversation on X.com by following my account (x.com/sarahderinger88).

  • Have you ever had a garden?
  • What was your favorite part about gardening?
  • What fruits, vegetables, herbs, and plants does your family enjoy to grow?
  • What seed companies do you recommend?
  • What are your tips on growing sweet corn in zone 6a?
signature: love, sarah

Happy Mother’s Day!

To all the mothers out there, happy Mother’s Day! For those of you, like me, who hope to be mothers someday, there is still a way for us to be mothers – spiritual mothers to other women. We can point others to Christ through our words and our actions, sharing the wisdom that we have learned throughout life and our walk with Christ.

“Fathers and mothers are the most natural agents for God to use in the salvation of their children. I am sure that, in my early youth, no teaching ever made such an impression upon my mind as the instruction of my mother. Neither can I conceive that, to any child, there can be one who will have such influence over the young heart as the mother who has so tenderly cared for her offspring. A man with a soul so dead as not to be moved by the sacred name of ‘mother’ is creation’s blot.” – Charles Haddon Spurgeon

God made mothers, setting Eve as the mother of all living in Genesis 3:20. He purposed mothers to give birth to the next generation, to raise them in fear and admonition of the Lord, and to keep the home fires burning as wives and mothers. Mothers have been given specific roles and tasks by God in order that God may be glorified, even in the ordinary, mundane tasks of life.

Biblical Examples of Mothers and Where to Find Them

While each of these mothers were sinners, they did look to God’s provision in faith in the end.

  • Eve – Genesis 3 – She looked to God’s promise of a son that would crush the serpent’s head (see Genesis 3:15).
  • Sarah – Genesis 16 – She looked forward to having a son, and even though she tried bringing a son through her handmaiden Hagar, she was still given the promised son through God’s working out of grace.
  • Rebekah – Genesis 25 – She had twin boys, and when the Lord told her why they were fighting in her womb, she held onto the word of the Lord. She then helped the younger son take the blessing that was going to be inherited by the older son because that is what the Lord had promised.
  • Leah and Rachel – Genesis 29-30 – These two mothers had to learn how to share a husband, a formidable task, but they made it through it. They ended up together giving their husband twelve sons, which would become the 12 tribes of Judah.
  • Jochebed – Exodus 2 – The mother of Moses did not fear the Pharaoh but saved her son’s life by hiding him and then sending him out on the water in a wicker basket.
  • The mother of Samson – Judges 13 – She did what the Lord had told her to do in relation to her son Samson.
  • Naomi – Ruth – She must have shared her faith with her daughters-in-law because Ruth went with her back to Bethlehem, and God then wove Ruth the Moabitess into Jesus’ lineage.
  • Ruth – Ruth – She because of her fear of the Lord became the mother of Obed, one in the long line of Jesus’ descendants.
  • Hannah – 1 Samuel 1-2 – Hannah prayed to the Lord to have a child, and she ended up having Samuel, who became a priest for Israel.
  • Elizabeth – Luke 1 – The mother who believed in miracles and had John, a son in her old age, who was Jesus’ cousin. John became known as John the Baptist and pointed to Christ throughout his life.
  • Mary – Luke 1 – The mother of Jesus who agreed with what God had planned for her life. She treasured up the words that were said about Jesus in her heart, and while she may not have known exactly what all Jesus would do in life, she knew because she had heard from the angel that Jesus was the Son of God. (See Luke 1: 30-33).

Mothers, who look to Christ in faith, can make a bold impact on the next generation for Christ. They have the opportunity and responsibility to share the Gospel each day with their children. Thank God for mothers that are devoted to Christ!

Resources for Biblical Motherhood

Join in on the conversation!

I always love hearing from my readers, so feel free to comment on this post.

  • Do / did you have a godly mom?
  • What are the characteristics of a godly mom?
  • Who is your favorite mom from Scripture, and why?
  • Do you hope to be a mom someday, or are you a mom currently?
  • How may I pray for you?

signature: love, sarah

Happy Mother’s Day!

To all the mothers out there, happy Mother’s Day! For those of you, like me, who hope to be mothers someday, there is still a way for us to be mothers – spiritual mothers to other women. We can point others to Christ through our words and our actions, sharing the wisdom that we have learned throughout life and our walk with Christ.

“Fathers and mothers are the most natural agents for God to use in the salvation of their children. I am sure that, in my early youth, no teaching ever made such an impression upon my mind as the instruction of my mother. Neither can I conceive that, to any child, there can be one who will have such influence over the young heart as the mother who has so tenderly cared for her offspring. A man with a soul so dead as not to be moved by the sacred name of ‘mother’ is creation’s blot.” – Charles Haddon Spurgeon

God made mothers, setting Eve as the mother of all living in Genesis 3:20. He purposed mothers to give birth to the next generation, to raise them in fear and admonition of the Lord, and to keep the home fires burning as wives and mothers. Mothers have been given specific roles and tasks by God in order that God may be glorified, even in the ordinary, mundane tasks of life.

Biblical Examples of Mothers and Where to Find Them

While each of these mothers were sinners, they did look to God’s provision in faith in the end.

  • Eve – Genesis 3 – She looked to God’s promise of a son that would crush the serpent’s head (see Genesis 3:15).
  • Sarah – Genesis 16 – She looked forward to having a son, and even though she tried bringing a son through her handmaiden Hagar, she was still given the promised son through God’s working out of grace.
  • Rebekah – Genesis 25 – She had twin boys, and when the Lord told her why they were fighting in her womb, she held onto the word of the Lord. She then helped the younger son take the blessing that was going to be inherited by the older son because that is what the Lord had promised.
  • Leah and Rachel – Genesis 29-30 – These two mothers had to learn how to share a husband, a formidable task, but they made it through it. They ended up together giving their husband twelve sons, which would become the 12 tribes of Judah.
  • Jochebed – Exodus 2 – The mother of Moses did not fear the Pharaoh but saved her son’s life by hiding him and then sending him out on the water in a wicker basket.
  • The mother of Samson – Judges 13 – She did what the Lord had told her to do in relation to her son Samson.
  • Naomi – Ruth – She must have shared her faith with her daughters-in-law because Ruth went with her back to Bethlehem, and God then wove Ruth the Moabitess into Jesus’ lineage.
  • Ruth – Ruth – She because of her fear of the Lord became the mother of Obed, one in the long line of Jesus’ descendants.
  • Hannah – 1 Samuel 1-2 – Hannah prayed to the Lord to have a child, and she ended up having Samuel, who became a priest for Israel.
  • Elizabeth – Luke 1 – The mother who believed in miracles and had John, a son in her old age, who was Jesus’ cousin. John became known as John the Baptist and pointed to Christ throughout his life.
  • Mary – Luke 1 – The mother of Jesus who agreed with what God had planned for her life. She treasured up the words that were said about Jesus in her heart, and while she may not have known exactly what all Jesus would do in life, she knew because she had heard from the angel that Jesus was the Son of God. (See Luke 1: 30-33).

Mothers, who look to Christ in faith, can make a bold impact on the next generation for Christ. They have the opportunity and responsibility to share the Gospel each day with their children. Thank God for mothers that are devoted to Christ!

Resources for Biblical Motherhood

Join in on the conversation!

I always love hearing from my readers, so feel free to comment on this post.

  • Do / did you have a godly mom?
  • What are the characteristics of a godly mom?
  • Who is your favorite mom from Scripture, and why?
  • Do you hope to be a mom someday, or are you a mom currently?
  • How may I pray for you?

signature: love, sarah

Mother’s Day Gift Guide

Mothers are a blessing from God designed to nurture children and instruct them in the Lord. Mother’s Day in the United States is on Sunday, May 10 this year. It is important to keep in mind that there may be shipping delays so order gifts for your mother soon! Here is my Mother’s Day Gift Guide for you:


  • Risen Motherhood by Emily Jensen, Laura Wifler
  • Mama Bear Apologetics by Hillary Morgan Ferrer
  • A Mom’s Guide To Lies Girls Believe by Dannah Gresh
  • Missional Motherhood by Gloria Furman
  • A Mom After God’s Own Heart by Elizabeth George
  • Treasuring Christ when Your Hands are Full by Gloria Furman
  • Loving the Little Years: Motherhood in the Trenches by Rachel Jankovic
  • Labor with Hope by Gloria Furman, Jesse Scheumann
  • Glory in the Ordinary by Courtney Ressig
  • Fit to Burst by Rachel Jankovic
  • Raising a Daughter After God’s Own Heart by Elizabeth George
  • What the Bible Says About Parenting by John MacArthur


  • Picture Frames
  • Bags
  • Scarves
  • Jewelry
  • Flowers
  • Seeds and plants
  • Gardening supplies
  • A new Bible
  • Clothing
  • Cooking Utensils
  • A gift card to a nail salon

Other Ideas

  • Go to church with her, and grow closer to God.
  • Take her out to eat.
  • Cook for her.
  • Listen to her wisdom.
  • Spend time with her.
  • Clean house for her.
  • Garden with her.
  • Take out the trash or take care of another chore that needs done.
  • Donate to a charity in her name. My favorite’s are Eden Ministries and Haiti Outreach Ministries.

Places to Shop / Small Christian Businesses to Support

Join in on the conversation!

I always love hearing from my readers, so feel free to comment on this post!

  • What are you thinking about doing for your mom this year?
  • Where do you like to shop for your mom?
  • What businesses would you add to this list?

signature: love, sarah

Gardening Resources

It is almost time to start your garden. Do you have a plan? Are you a newbie to gardening? Do you hope to grow food this year to ensure your family will be prepared for any economic hardships you may happen upon in the new few months to a year? Gardening is a lot of work, but it is worth every minute because you can reap a harvest if you do not give up.

One of the first things you need is land or dirt. Do you have a sunny spot in your backyard available for a garden? Here are some tips for spotting the best gardening plots:

  • Keep it somewhat close to your house. This will encourage animals not to eat your vegetables if you keep your garden somewhat close to your house because your human smells will scare them away.
  • Keep it close to a water spigot. Lugging around a heavy watering can gets old pretty fast. By keeping your garden within reach of a garden hose, you will make your gardening and watering a whole lot easier.
  • Is your ground somewhat flat? If you plant on a hill, which is doable under certain circumstances, it can have erosion problems, especially when it rains heavily.
  • Is your garden southward facing? This is where your garden will get the most sun, and it will help it grow better.

Another idea to look into while gardening is the Victory Gardens, which was a garden that lots of people created during the World Wars. Because of the impending recession this year, a victory garden may be the right type of garden for your family. Morningchores.com has a great history and tutorial on victory gardens as well as information on square foot gardens for those without much space for a garden.

If you live in an apartment or do not have a great gardening place, you can go with a couple of other options:

  • Pots – I used pots for some of my vegetable plants last summer, and they made gardening so much easier because I could keep them closer to our house.
  • Window boxes – I also tried some herbs in my indoor window boxes. These worked out well.
  • Raised flower bed boxes
  • Community gardens – If you do not have any other options, you might try to find a local community garden. Even in my rural small town, they have a community garden. I have seen them grow lots of things there, including sunflowers and corn.

There are all sorts of genius ideas that you can try to have your own garden, no matter how much land you have access to.

Then, you need to figure out what you would like to grow. What kinds of vegetables, fruits, flowers, or other plants would you like to grow? I shared what I am planning to grow this year in a previous post if you would like to read it: My Experience Starting Seeds with the Jiffy Tomato & Vegetable Greenhouse: Part 1.

You can order seeds through a variety of places, such as your local Walmart, Tractor Supply, or greenhouse. You can also try getting seeds from a Farmer’s Market or a seed swap. Make sure to check out USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map to see if the plants your would like to grow is in your climate zone. After that you will need to check on what the best dates are for planting. If you plant too early and a frost or freeze comes, your plants will die or be stunted. Therefore, find the approximate date your area will be completely frost-free before planting. A great chart for finding your planting date is found at Farmers’ Almanac.

You can start some seeds inside early to get a jumpstart on growing season. I have done that with tomatoes before.

Jiffy Tomato and Vegetable Greenhouse, gardening, farming, starting seeds, seed starters, farm life, garden life, Deringer Farm

When it is time to plant them outside, till up the garden or prep the dirt you will use. Dig about 1″ holes (or what your seed packets say), or a seed trench for the seeds. Place the seeds in and lightly cover them up. Give them a little water. Have patience to see results. If it does not rain often, you will have to give them some water probably every other day unless it is really dry.

Here are some other great resources to look for gardening tips, tricks, and tools:

Join in on the conversation!

I always love hearing from my readers, so feel free to comment on this post. Are you starting a garden this year? What are some things you have learned from gardening? What are some gardening resources that you would add to this list? What hardiness zone are you in?

signature: love, sarah

10 Ways to Celebrate Easter during the COVID-19 Lockdown

10 ways to celebrate Easter, COVID-19, lockdown, stay at home, safe, healthy, save a life, Easter, celebrate Christ, Jesus Christ, Jesus, Christ, God, church

Per the President’s recommendations, we need to continue social distancing until at least April 30. This means that churches may not celebrate Easter in person. However, families and individuals can still celebrate Jesus’ resurrection at home. Here are ten ways to celebrate Easter during this COVID-19 lockdown.

  • Order Resurrection eggs through Christianbook.com. Talk to children about Jesus’ resurrection. Mercy House Global has felt Easter eggs, and Baby Devotions has a Bilingual Toddler Resurrection Egg set available as well.
  • Memorize a Bible verse as a family.
  • Send Easter cards to elderly in nursing homes, sharing the Gospel with them.
  • Pray for Christians around the world as they celebrate Easter and deal with COVID-19. Pray for the missionaries around the world as well as your pastor.
  • Make resurrection rolls with your children (where the marshmallow disappears from the inside), and share the Gospel with your children. Lifeway Kids shared the recipe for the Resurrection Rolls here: https://kidsministry.lifeway.com/2014/03/31/easter-recipe-resurrection-rolls/#.UzmLiqhdWTQ
  • Make some Easter crafts with your children. Christian Preschool Printables has all sorts of Easter crafts and activities available here: http://christianpreschoolprintables.com/holiday-bible-printables/easter-bible-printables/
  • If allowed, visit the nursing home outside their windows, and make signs showing love and encouragement to the elderly there.
  • Take groceries to elderly or families in need as a way to be the hands and feet of Jesus this Easter.
  • Instead of Christmas caroling, do Easter caroling by singing hymns and other songs that are about Jesus’ resurrection. Just make sure to do it 6 feet apart, social distancing style. The K-Love Fan Awards have a list of 12 Easter Hymns to sing: https://www.fanawards.com/easter-hymns-celebrate-resurrection
  • Make yard signs that explain the Gospel, and display them in your yard for people driving or walking by to get groceries or going to the hospital.

The prime time for sharing the Gospel is as long as it is called Today.

Join in on the conversation!

I always love hearing from my readers, so feel free to comment on this post. What are some of your favorite ways to celebrate Easter with your family? How is your Easter changing this year due to COVID-19? What are other ideas you would add to this list? How may I pray for you and your family during this time?

signature: love, sarah

My Experience Starting Seeds with the Jiffy Tomato & Vegetable Greenhouse: Part 1

My Experience Starting Seeds With the Jiffy Tomato and Vegetable Greenhouse, Experience, Starting, Starting Seeds, Seeds, Tomato, Vegetable, Jiffy, Jiffy Tomato and Vegetable Greenhouse, greenhouse, tomato seeds, gardening, farming, Deringer Farm, Farm Life, Garden Life, Spring, gardening, farming, prepare seeds, egg cartons, water, soil, dirt,

It is finally spring again, and that means it is time to start tomato seeds again. Here at Deringer Farm, I am hoping to plant all kinds of vegetables, flowers, and some fruit trees this year. I find it even more important to grow a garden this year due to the COVID-19 crisis, so that our family will not run out of food. Things I hope to plant and grow this year include:

  • Tomatoes
  • Lemons
  • Sweet Peppers
  • Red Peppers
  • African
  • Forget me nots
  • Green Peppers
  • Cucumbers
  • Summer Squash
  • Carrots
  • Green Beans
  • Peaches

Seeds, farming, gardening, sprout, tomato, vegetable, peach, fruit, farm life, Deringer Farm

I saved all sorts of seeds from over the past year hoping that they will grow this year. Last year to start the tomato seeds, I tried starting them in egg cartons starting them in egg cartons. While that was a useful way of starting tomato seeds, I found that the roots of the tomato plants grew through the carton making it difficult to remove them for planting. Therefore, this year I am testing out the Jiffy Tomato & Vegetable Greenhouse, which is available at Walmart and other local gardening supply stores.

Jiffy Tomato and Vegetable Greenhouse, seed starter, gardening, farming, farm life, garden life, Deringer Farm

The Jiffy Tomato & Vegetable Greenhouse comes with 36 “pellets” for planting seeds, so you could have approximately 36 new tomato plants this year. That is really helpful in my opinion, and that could produce a lot of tomatoes. So after opening the container, I read the instructions, which were fairly easy to understand. Unlike using the egg cartons, the Jiffy Tomato & Vegetable Greenhouse doesn’t need extra dirt because the dirt is in the pellets. The Jiffy Greenhouse also does not have holes in the bottom of the pan, so water will not spill out onto whatever table or bar that you have them sitting on.

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First, you get warm water and pour it into each of the pellets. The warm water allows the pellets to expand, and they sound like “Snap, Crackle, and Pop” as they expand to their full capacity. It takes quiet a bit of water for these to expand fully, so do not worry about overwatering the pellets. If you do end up with too much water, you can take it outside and pour the excess off.

Jiffy Tomato and Vegetable Greenhouse, gardening, farming, starting seeds, seed starters, farm life, garden life, Deringer Farm

* The Jiffy Greenhouse does include some nutrients for the soil but on the main instructions, it did not talk about using it. So I will wait to add the nutrients until the pellets need water again. The nutrients call for being mixed with a gallon of water.

Jiffy Tomato and Vegetable Greenhouse, greenhouse, seed starter, starting seeds, farming, gardening, farm life, garden life, Deringer Farm

Then, once they are fully expanded, open up the netting on each one of the pellets and then start making little holes for your seeds. You can use 2-3 seeds per pellet; I went with 3 seeds per pellet because I am hoping that at least one seed will work. After the seeds are in cover them back up with the dirt in the pellets. These should have enough water in them to start the seeds. You can then place the lid on the Jiffy Greenhouse and move it to a place that is not in direct sunlight. The Jiffy Greenhouse should now work as its own little greenhouse, growing the seeds and keeping them watered. Of course, the instructions say that when the seeds start to sprout, crack the greenhouse lid (slide it partly to the side) to let more air in. Then, when you are ready for planting, take the lid off and begin preparing them for the transition to outside. If you see that the pellets are turning brown instead of the black wet dirt, add some more water.

I am excited to see how effective the Jiffy Tomato & Vegetable Greenhouse is in starting the seeds, and I will update as the process continues. Thus far, the process that the Jiffy Greenhouse uses is really simple.

Join in on the conversation!

I always love hearing from my readers, so feel free to comment on this post! Are you doing a garden this year? What do you like to plant and grow? Is this your first time planning a garden? What are your tips for growing a garden? Have you used the Jiffy Tomato and Vegetable Greenhouse before? What are your experiences with growing a garden?

signature: love, sarah

Paint A Picture: Secret Garden

Secret Garden, paint, painting, picture, acrylic painting, hobby, art, artist

I previously wrote about My Experience with Acrylic Painting, so I wanted to share the process that I go through when painting. I will use the Secret Garden painting as the example.

First, I found a picture online that was similar to what I was looking for to paint. There were a lot of pictures, but nothing caught my eye except for the looking at the garden through the keyhole picture.

Secondly, I drew it out on paper to get an idea of proportions and what I was thinking about. I had planned on multiple types of flowers, but when I actually got to the painting process, the flowers were easier to paint more uniform.

art, painting, process, brush, acrylic paint

The colors I used in this painting were yellow, black, brown, sky blue, white, green, and red. I did mix some colors to get a lighter green. I used a wide sponge brush as well as smaller brushes. The canvas was one I had bought from Hobby Lobby.

art, painting, acrylic paint, garden, keyhole

Then, I painted the keyhole in blue. Now that I have gone through the process, I realize I probably should have painted it in brown. Then, I painted the background brown. I also painted in the blue sky, and then I painted the ground.

I then started painting in the details, such as a white picket fence, flowers, a brown path, a tree. After that I added details to the garden door, such as the golden studs, and the flower and vines.

Secret Garden, looking through a keyhole, paint, painting, acrylic painting, flowers

I had my ceiling fan on, which helped the painting dry more quickly. Overall, I was pleased with my painting. It will not win any awards, but I was able to get the Secret Garden idea across. Looking back at the painting, I notice that I did not get both of my gold studs on the door equal, and the flowers look a little haphazard. If I tried painting this scene again, I might do a different tree, or I might make it more of an autumn scene. I like to say that painting is an experiment; I have heard others say that painting is an expression – of thought and emotion. In any case, it is a fun hobby.

Comment Below

Have you tried painting pictures before? Have you tried a painting class before? What tools and processes do you go through as you paint? Where do you find your inspiration for painting? Where do you shop for painting supplies?

signature: love, sarah

My Experience with Acrylic Painting

My Experience with Acrylic Painting, acrylic, paint, painting, art, artist

I am a beginner at acrylic painting, but I have painted roughly 12 paintings. I still have a lot to learn, but this is my experience with acrylic painting.

Acrylic painting, paint, acrylic, art class, painting class, pumpkins, forest, fall, autumn, leaves

I started painting when the local library hosted a painting class. Our first painting was pumpkins in the forest. I found out that I am not very good at painting trees; however, I decided that I did not want to let that stop me. A little later, I bought an acrylic paint set from Hobby Lobby for my birthday, and I have been painting off and on ever since.

paintings, acrylic, paint, Eiffel Tower, Tower of Pisa, London flowers, painting, acrylic paint, paint, art mountains, painting, paint, acrylic painting, rainbow

After that, I tried painting flowers and a mountain and rainbow scene from a picture that I took. I have painted a group of pictures of cities and sites, such as the Eiffel Tower, London, and the Tower of Pisa. The Eiffel Tower turned out looking a little like a Brachiosaurus. However, you cannot grow as an artist or a person if you are not willing to try something new. Therefore, I try even though it ends up not looking quite what I want it to be.

tulips, flowers, painting, paint, acrylic painting

At the next painting class the library hosted, we painted tulips. In my opinion, my painting turned out okay, but there is one tulip that is disproportionate to the others.

Secret Garden, looking through a keyhole, paint, painting, acrylic painting, flowers lily, flower, paint, painting, acrylic painting rose, flower, painting, paint,acrylic painting Morning glories, flowers, paint, painting, acrylic painting red roses, flowers, paint, painting, acrylic painting

I have recently painted a Secret Garden scene and a bunch of flowers. I plan to use these small paintings  to decorate my “trunk” during Trunk N Treat at church.

Things I have learned so far about acrylic painting:

  • Paint the background first.
  • Try not to overload your brush with too much paint.
  • Dipping your paintbrush in the water helps thin the paint out, making the paint lighter on the canvas.
  • It is easier to paint your initials as your signature rather than your whole name, or at least in my experience, it is.
  • Look for canvas packs to save money on canvas. Another place to look for small canvas is the Dollar Tree!
  • Want a cheap palette for your paint and mixing? Try using a paper plate! It works for me. However, if your paint is really thin and runny, you may want to double up on the paper plates so that it doesn’t run through.
  • Check out your local library for painting classes. Most likely they will be inexpensive. Due to funding from the Friends of the Library, our library offers classes for $5.
  • Check out Board and Brush in your area for painting signs. I have yet to try them out, but I like the work that they post on their social media.

In a couple of Saturdays, the library is hosting a painting class again, and I will be painting again. This time it looks like a painting of flowers and a wagon wheel. I am nervous about getting the wheel lines and circle right; however, with the teacher’s guidance, I am sure it will look okay.

Painting is fun and therapeutic. At the end you also get a picture worth a thousand words. I keep them in a special place right now; maybe someday I will get to hang them up on a wall.

Comment Below

Have you ever tried acrylic painting? Have you ever taken a painting class? What are your favorite things to paint? What are your favorite types of art? What tools do you use when you paint? Who are your favorite artists? Where do you look for inspiration? Have you given away any of your paintings?

signature: love, sarah