Spring Gardening Resources

If you have ever dreamed of growing a garden, it can be a daunting task. However, there are many resources that can help you plan and grow and a garden, whether it is a container garden or a whole field of fruit, vegetables, flowers, and more. Today, I plan to share a plethora of good Spring gardening resources that can help you in growing your gardening skills.



Books and Magazines

Starting Seeds Indoors

seedlings, egg cartons, what I planted

Where to Find Free Seeds

Join in on the conversation!

I always love hearing from my readers, so feel free to comment on this post. Or start a conversation on X.com/sarahderinger88.

  • Are you struggling with knowing where and how to start gardening?
  • Do you find yourself wishing you could grow things all year round rather than being stunted by the growing season?
  • What are some other resources that you would recommend for learning about gardening year-round?
  • What are some other resources that you would recommend for beginning gardening or spring gardening?
  • Where else do you know of that you can get free seeds?
signature: love, sarah

My Favorite Spring Skincare Products

Spring, skincare, skin, care, products, sunscreen, my favorite spring skincare products, the best skincare products for spring, best skincare products

Skincare is very important, especially as we age. As I enter my 30s, I hope to take better care of my skin by doing things differently. However, I am different from many of the women around me in the fact that I typically do not wear makeup. Even without makeup, I still do my best to take care of my skin.

I use these products during the spring time to protect my skin…

  • Sunscreen. I have learned quickly in life that sunscreen is a must (no matter your skin type). Recently, a University Of Kentucky football player got melanoma on the BOTTOM of his foot! Sunscreen is imperative for everyone. I typically use Coppertone’s Sport 50 or 75 SPF Spray Sunscreen. Even in spring, there is a need for sunscreen. There was a very warm, sunny day this past week, so I decided to go outside without thinking about sunscreen. Big mistake! I got a sun burn! While it was short-lived as far as a sun burn goes, it taught me that even in spring we all need to wear sunscreen. I do not know about your skin type, but you still need to use sunscreen to prevent skin cancer.
  • Aloe Vera. If I am a little burnt and need soothing or if I am trying to keep my tan a little longer, Ocean Potion’s Aloe Vera lotion is my go-to product. Ocean Potion has lots of other skin care products too.
  • Lip gloss and/ or chapstick. Lips can become chapped in any type of weather. I like to use Chapstick with some SPF.
  • Bug spray. If you will be camping or hiking outside, it is best to use something with DEET to keep mosquitoes and ticks away. I typically use OFF! Deep Woods Bug Spray. For walking around the lawn, I use Avon’s Skin So Soft; usually it only takes a drop or two which makes the bottle last a long time. Ticks are out in spring, so it is time to watch out for ticks. And the windier the day is, the more likely a tick will be blown onto you. Watch out!
  • Bug Bite Gel – The type I use is Johnson & Johnson’s Band-Aid Anti Itch Gel.
  • Hat and sunglasses. These also protect your skin from the sun, and while they can sometimes be cumbersome, by using a hat and / or sunglasses, you can save yourself time at the dermatologist.
  • Hand sanitizer – These days with the Coronavirus running around, it is best to sanitize either with hand sanitizer or soap and water. However, do not use hand sanitizer too often because it will end up removing the layer on your biome, which will end up getting you sick more often. As my cousin has told me before, “The worst thing you can do for your immune system is to coddle it.”
  • Soap and water – Using soap and water is a year round thing, but with the Coronavirus pandemic, I thought I would encourage everyone to wash your hands! Even when there is not a pandemic, please wash your hands!
  • Skin lotion – Now that your hands are super dry from washing your hands and sanitizing them so often, use skin lotion to help them from cracking. I often like to use Bath and Body Works skin lotions because while hydrating my skin, I can also smell good.

* I am not a doctor, nor am I an expert in skincare. However, I do believe: if you see a spot, mole, or weird area growing on your skin, please go see a dermatologist. By putting off taking care of yourself, if it is an actual skin cancer spot, you will reap a bigger problem in the long run.

Here are a few articles from the American Academy of Dermatology and CDC to check out information on skincare:

Join in on the coversation!

I always love hearing from my readers, so feel free to comment on this post. What skin care products do you use in the spring? What would you like to add to this list of skin care products and articles? Have you been going outside during the Coronavirus pandemic?

signature: love, sarah

10 Ways to Celebrate Easter during the COVID-19 Lockdown

10 ways to celebrate Easter, COVID-19, lockdown, stay at home, safe, healthy, save a life, Easter, celebrate Christ, Jesus Christ, Jesus, Christ, God, church

Per the President’s recommendations, we need to continue social distancing until at least April 30. This means that churches may not celebrate Easter in person. However, families and individuals can still celebrate Jesus’ resurrection at home. Here are ten ways to celebrate Easter during this COVID-19 lockdown.

  • Order Resurrection eggs through Christianbook.com. Talk to children about Jesus’ resurrection. Mercy House Global has felt Easter eggs, and Baby Devotions has a Bilingual Toddler Resurrection Egg set available as well.
  • Memorize a Bible verse as a family.
  • Send Easter cards to elderly in nursing homes, sharing the Gospel with them.
  • Pray for Christians around the world as they celebrate Easter and deal with COVID-19. Pray for the missionaries around the world as well as your pastor.
  • Make resurrection rolls with your children (where the marshmallow disappears from the inside), and share the Gospel with your children. Lifeway Kids shared the recipe for the Resurrection Rolls here: https://kidsministry.lifeway.com/2014/03/31/easter-recipe-resurrection-rolls/#.UzmLiqhdWTQ
  • Make some Easter crafts with your children. Christian Preschool Printables has all sorts of Easter crafts and activities available here: http://christianpreschoolprintables.com/holiday-bible-printables/easter-bible-printables/
  • If allowed, visit the nursing home outside their windows, and make signs showing love and encouragement to the elderly there.
  • Take groceries to elderly or families in need as a way to be the hands and feet of Jesus this Easter.
  • Instead of Christmas caroling, do Easter caroling by singing hymns and other songs that are about Jesus’ resurrection. Just make sure to do it 6 feet apart, social distancing style. The K-Love Fan Awards have a list of 12 Easter Hymns to sing: https://www.fanawards.com/easter-hymns-celebrate-resurrection
  • Make yard signs that explain the Gospel, and display them in your yard for people driving or walking by to get groceries or going to the hospital.

The prime time for sharing the Gospel is as long as it is called Today.

Join in on the conversation!

I always love hearing from my readers, so feel free to comment on this post. What are some of your favorite ways to celebrate Easter with your family? How is your Easter changing this year due to COVID-19? What are other ideas you would add to this list? How may I pray for you and your family during this time?

signature: love, sarah