
Overcomer, Compassion International, obstacle, poverty, sin, Jesus, Jesus Christ, God, Bible

Have you ever faced an obstacle? Maybe it was trying to figure out how to get experience in order to get a job. Maybe it was a physical barrier that you faced before trying to get somewhere. We will face many obstacles in our lifetime, and Jesus promised this in John 16:33:

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.

Jesus conquered sin and death, and therefore, because He overcame the world, we too are overconquerors (see 1 John 5). We can conquer over the world, darkness, and sin through our faith and reliance on Christ. And because God is working all things for our good and His glory (see Romans 8), we can look at obstacles as things that will help us in our process of becoming sanctified. We do not have to be afraid of obstacles but rather we can count it all joy with James when we face trials of many kinds (see James 1).

In a recent sermon that my pastor shared, he said that when we face obstacles such as fighting our sin, there are some things we can do that will encourage us to keep going. These things are directly from my notes from his sermon, and I hope that they encourage you in your Christian walk:

  • Be encouraged in Jesus that there is always hope for future sanctification and spiritual growth.
  • Understand that we have a privilege in prayer to God, so pray! Run to the cross when you are facing obstacles. We do have to grind out our faith, through prayer.
  • Be encouraged by God’s special love for you. While you may not feel that you are loved by Him when you sin [or are even facing any kind of obstacle], His love for you does not diminish or falter. God loves you because He loves Jesus, and God loved us first.
  • Be encouraged by His sovereign plan for salvation. There is no stopping God’s plan for salvation for us. Your ultimate peace is in Jesus, not in your performance.

So looking at the topic of overcoming obstacles, we can observe other believers as they walk by faith in Christ to overcome the obstacles they face. One person that I look to as an example of overcoming obstacles is my sponsored child Burusi in Kenya. He faces deep poverty, and without intervention, he would not be able to attend school or get the appropriate nutrition he needs to live a healthy life. Thankfully, God brought him to me to help through child sponsorship in Compassion International’s program.

Burusi 2019

With Compassion International and the guidance and care from his local church, Burusi can attend school, get proper nutrition, be educated about proper hygiene, get clothing, and hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Burusi is now in the second grade, and he is learning how to be a leader not only in his home but also in his community. Someday, Burusi will be able to live out his God-given dreams after overcoming the obstacle of extreme poverty.

Sponsor a Child Through Compassion International

Please consider sponsoring a child through Compassion International. By sponsoring a child in their program for $38 per month, you can help a child overcome the major obstacles that they face and allow them to receive an education, food, clothing, shelter, medical treatment, and most importantly, the opportunity to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Be the change in a child’s life today and sponsor a child through Compassion International.

Join in the conversation!

I always love hearing from my readers, so please feel free to comment on this post. Do you have a sponsored child? Do you sponsor a child through Compassion International or through another program? What obstacles do you face in life? Do you need encouragement in your fight against sin as a Christian? How may I pray for you?

signature: love, sarah

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